Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Uncle LD just got back from well deserved time off and vacation in Nashville and surrounding Appalachia seeing relatives, old friends and eating lots of preserved pork with fresh vegetables.

i deleted the link to Uncle LD's Podcast because it wasn't gay enough. suffice it to say, Uncle LD isn't Michael Musto, yet.


Anonymous said...

A multiple choice question: if he has relatives in Appalachia, how many teeth does Uncle LD has:
a) a full set of teeth
b) three teeth
c) one tooth
d) seven teeth
e) all of the above, nibbling at his dick, from his relatives (after all, they are from Appalachia)

Anouk Hunt

Anonymous said...

Uncle LD's podcasts from are no more. too bad, cause he's very good it's just the podcasts were too avante garde