Saturday, July 08, 2006

to sir with love

here's a clip from the volatile 60's. back then(1967) we were just really seeing many racial crossover videos in the general public for the first time. there were (voting)poll taxes for black americans(yes, you had to pay a tax to vote in the south) and literacy tests for african americans(which you had to pass as a gateway to vote) voting in the south.

but lulu is perfect with the angelic collar and all :-) dressed like a little puritan chick.

another funny part of this is that at this particular time i was 16 years old and had no idea or clue that there were millions of other gay people like myself. the only colored people i'd seen were the housekeepers who came on the bus in the morning or lived in. it was through the civil rights marches that i first met other people who happen to be homosexuals. "gay" people hadn't evolved yet. i heard there was a bar where queers went and never went in but i got close to the door...LOL. there was alot of LSD and pot on the scene. we never bought any pot, a friend of ours charles lodge would ship suit cases to his mother from viet-nam and she would bring it over. he was a merchant seaman by profession and i had never seen so much pot. but we were good kids. we never sold a stick and consumed it all ourselves. i will add a funny story about mrs lodge soon. she was quite a character.

ps. i didnt 'luv' my teachers...even back then i thought teachers are nothing but lazy bureaucrats.

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